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Privacy Policy


We explain in this privacy policy how personal data are collected and processed at the Multi Group (hereinafter collectively named “Multi Insurance”). This privacy policy is intended for visitors to the website. It is primarily intended for investors, analysts, shareholders, journalists and anyone interested in Multi Insurance. At you will find information on key financial figures, on the divisions, on corporate governance, strategy, management, corporate responsibility and on the history of Multi Insurance. You can find insurance and financial product offerings on

This description is not exhaustive; other privacy policies or general terms and conditions of business, entry conditions and similar documents may govern further specific matters relevant to data protection. Personal data are understood to comprise all details that relate to a specific or identifiable person. 

The collection and processing of personal data

Multi Insurance takes the protection of the privacy and confidentiality of the data of its customers and visitors to its websites very seriously.

When processing your personal data, we comply with the applicable provisions of Switzerland, the EU and other applicable local laws governing the storage, processing, accessing and transmission of personal data. In order to protect our customers’ data, Multi Insurance applies strict internal data protection policies and ensures their compliance by means of intensive staff training and continuous supervision.

The processing of your personal data is indispensable if you make your data known to us for the sending of informational material. We primarily process the personal data that we receive within the scope of our business relationship from you, other business partners and other persons involved or that we collect from users during the operation of our websites, apps and other programmes. Your data are at all times only used for the purpose, specified for instance at collection, to which you have consented, that is evident from the circumstances or required by law.

The personal data processed by Multi Insurance comprise personal data communicated by you and such data that are publicly accessible. The data categories are:

  • Personal data and contact information: these particularly include but are not restricted to title, first name and last name, address, poss. company for which you work, domicile, language, e-mail address, telephone number and, if necessary for the processing of your enquiry, nationality etc.
  • Data in connection with benefits if you have a contractual relationship with us as our business partner
  • Data in connection with online communication with Multi Insurance;
  • Data in connection with the marketing of products and services: These include details such as newsletter registrations/cancellations, received documents and special activities, personal preferences and interests etc.;
  • To the extent permitted, we also obtain certain data from publicly accessible sources (e.g. commercial registers, the press, internet) or receive such data from other companies within the Multi Insurance Group, from authorities or other third parties.

The processing of your personal data is primarily carried out by employees of Multi Insurance. Such employees in each case have access to the data required for fulfilling the task at hand.

Scope and purpose of the collection, processing and use of per-sonal data

We use the personal data collected by us primarily for the processing of the following, in which we and any third parties commissioned by us have a legitimate interest:

  • Inquiries submitted via contact forms, chats, e-mails, telephone calls;
  • Registrations for newsletters, portals and the like;
  • Enhancement of the internet presence (adjustment of the website to your needs);
  • Prevention and recording of hacker attacks;
  • Responding to your questions and concerns;
  • Compilation of usage statistics;
  • In this connection Multi Insurance also processes your personal data for quality controls, for advertising purposes, for market and opinion research (including the evaluation of data using profiles and automated decisions) such as customer satisfaction surveys, the staging of events, general customer communication and personalised adjustment of Multi Insurance’s products and services as well as for the creation of customer profiles. Also for the management of statistics;
  • Evaluation, offering, improvement and new and further development of our products, services and websites, apps and other platforms on which we are present;
  • Communication with third parties and processing of their inquiries (e.g. applications, media inquiries);
  • Assertion and/or defence of legal claims in connection with legal disputes and official proceedings;
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and internal regulations of Multi Insurance, pursuit and implementation of various rights;
  • Prevention and investigation of criminal offences and other misconduct and conducting of internal investigations etc.;
  • Guaranteeing of business operations, particularly information technology, our websites, apps, systems and other platforms;
  • Video surveillance to uphold domiciliary rights and other measures geared towards IT, building and investment security, protection of our employees, other persons and assets entrusted to us (e.g. access controls, visitor lists, network and mail scanners), protection of customers, employees and other persons in particular in the event of risks to employees and the protection of data, the secrets and assets entrusted to Multi Insurance, security of systems and buildings;

Data security

Multi Insurance undertakes to protect the data that we receive from you against accidental or deliberate manipulation, full or partial loss, destruction or unauthorised third-party access by means of technical and organisational security measures. The controls deployed for this are based on the globally recognised information security standard ISO/IEC 27001. We thereby protect your rights and guarantee compliance with the applicable provisions under data protection law. Our established measures guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of your data and safeguard the long-term availability and resilience of our systems and services for the processing of your data.

We also deploy specific further technical and organisational measures to safeguard the rapid recovery and availability of your data and access thereto in the event of a physical or technical incident. Our data processing and security measures are continuously further developed and enhanced in accordance with technological developments.


Personal data

Personal data are all details that relate to a specific or identifiable natural person. These include, for instance, name, postal address, date of birth, e-mail address and telephone number. Personal data can also include data about personal preferences such as hobbies or memberships.

Particularly sensitive personal data

These include, for instance, data about religious, ideological, political or trade union-related opinions or activities; health data and any details of administrative or criminal proceedings or penalties. Even greater requirements concerning confidentiality and the handling of such data apply at Multi Insurance to the processing of particularly sensitive data than is already the case.


Profiling is the assessment of specific features of a person on the basis of automatically processed personal data, among other things in order to analyse and predict work performance, financial circumstances, health, behaviour, preferences, whereabouts or mobility. Multi Insurance will notify you in advance about all kinds of profiling.

Aggregated data

In some cases we anonymise the data disclosed by you and use them in aggregated, anonymised form. We occasionally combine such data with other data to enable us to compile anonymous statistics (e.g. about visitor numbers or the domain name or internet provider from which our websites are accessed). This serves to improve our products and services.

Updating of this privacy policy

Multi Insurance may revise this online privacy policy from time to time. Changes to this privacy policy will be communicated immediately on this and its associated websites. If you have received notification of an amendment to our privacy policy and continue to use our websites, you consent to data processing taking place in accordance with the amended privacy policy.